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Saturday, 5 October 2013

Reggae Nights # 123

Reggae Nights was conveniently held one day after my birthday at Magazinkeller so I was able to celebrate non-stop from Tuesday, October 1 through to the early hours of Thursday morning! Roots Ashanti played the latest in reggae and dancehall (yes, they can!) and mixed in some good old hits. It was great and I could not stop dancing!

The guest Destination Sound from Göttingen played some dub sounds in between and I had a chance to chill with all of you lovely people at Reggae Nights! Thanks to Hjalmar for the bottle of champagne, to Ben for all the fog which made it hard for my camera to focus, to Rigo for taking my picture (and the invite for Friday) and to all of you for dancing with me and making it a wonderful night out!

Roots Ashanti doing their thing!